Tuesday, April 9, 2019

We Say Goodbye to the Olsens :(

Marlayne hosted a big going away party for the Olsen's at her house one evening.  That's where the picture of Shaunie and I was taken.  Shaunie let her kids all have a sleepover before they left which was a big deal because they never do sleepovers.  The kids all were in heaven.  Annabelle, Whitney, and the kids did a bunch of music video's to the Abba Mama Mia songs once their house was completely empty and cleaned.  I only took one picture of the kids saying goodbye to each other right before they got in their cars to drive away.  Shaunie took a bunch more but I didn't get them from her.  The bigger kids were all so sad and crying, the pictures make me sad anyway.  We are so excited to have them come see us in June!  I wish they were still here so much.

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