Tuesday, April 2, 2019

First Day of School! Fall 2018

Sari and Kate got their pictures taken first because their bus comes 45 minutes before Leah and Lucy's at 7:05am.  Super early!  This is the first day of 7th grade for Sari and 6th grade for Kate - both at Ben Steele Middle School.

 Leah and Lucy's turn for pictures!  Leah is starting 3rd grade and Lucy 2nd at Boulder Elementary.  Their bus comes at 7:50am, still early in my book.

 Ian's first day of preschool was after labor day a couple weeks after the other kids.  He started at Messiah Lutheran Preschool, and then midway through the year the preschool teacher and building moved so it's now called ALC preschool (American Lutheran).  It was a big bummer that it moved because it's super far away now all the way downtown.  Luckily I've finally figured out a carpool so I only have to drive Tuesdays now.  Ian's teacher is Marianne Smith.  Leah had the same preschool teacher.  Ian has loved it and is usually really excited to go.

Sunrise we saw one morning while the kids were waiting for the bus.

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